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SKU: 16.709

gas and smoke protection set

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Disposable high-efficiency filtering self-rescuer

Disposable high-efficiency filtering self-rescuer is designed for respiratory, eye and head skin protection for adults and children 12+ against toxic combustion products, including CO, hazardous chemical substances (HCS), aerosols, radioactive substances during evacuation in case of fire or other man-induced emergency situations.

Provides protection at an oxygen content of not less than 17%

  • and ambient temperature of 0 to +60°Ñ for protection against toxic combustion products
  • and –40 to +40°Ñ for protection against HCS and radioactive substances

Preserves its protective properties after:

  • the effect of temperature of +200°Ñ during 1 min
  • short-term effect of open flame with t° = (800±50)°Ñ during 5 s
  • thermal flow density of (8.5±0.5) kW/m2 during 3 min

Period of protective action: 30 minutes of universal and effective protection.

Bag overall dimensions: 130×130×300 mm.
Weight: 780 g (with bag), 680 g (without bag).

TR CU 019/2011

ZEUS 30U gas and smoke protection set