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SKU: 5.910
On Request

PPL-32 multipurpose fall arrest harness (safety belt with straps) size XXL

This item is unavailable in Europe region.

Static breaking load is minimum 15 000 N (1500 kgf).

Weight: maximum 1.9 kg.
Waist size: 1200–1600 mm.
Girdle length: 800 mm. 
Waist belt length: 1800 mm.
TR CU 019/2011
TU 8786-012-39189999-2013 
GOST R EN 358-2008
GOST R EN 361-2008
GOST R EN 365-2010

On Request

PPL-32 multipurpose fall arrest harness (safety belt with straps) size XXL
PPL-32 multipurpose fall arrest harness (safety belt with straps) size XXL
PPL-32 multipurpose fall arrest harness (safety belt with straps) size XXL
PPL-32 multipurpose fall arrest harness (safety belt with straps) size XXL

EMZ fall protection equipment